Sunday School For All Ages
Your children are always welcome at our worship services (Sundays at 8:00 and 10:15 am).
The nursery will be available from 10:00am to noon, every Sunday. Four year olds and younger are invited to use the Nursery. Bible stories and related activities will be used for “class."
We offer two Sunday School classes at 10:00am. Kindergarten, First and Second grades will meet together. Third, Fourth and Fifth grades will meet together. Sixth Graders and up are invited to join the Adult Forum at 9:15am and/or help with the younger classes.
All young people will join their families in the Church (10:15am Service) during the “Passing of the Peace.”
All baptized Christians are welcome at the Lord’s Table, and this includes children of all ages. Children who are not yet baptized or have not been prepared to receive communion may join their parents at the altar rail to receive a blessing.