Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Who We Are

 If you’ve been searching and praying for a place to belong, a place to make friends and connect with God, visit with us. We are eager to get to know you and share the glorious ways in which God is at work in our church. Our doors are wide open – we welcome you with heartfelt warmth and caring – truly a church to come home to!


Rector The Rev. Charles Brock (rector@stjamesmv.org)
Director of Music Alan Moser (music@stjamesmv.org)
Parish Administrator Nicolle Rusnak (office@stjamesmv.org )
Trustees  Peg Iber, Lib Mueller, & Ray Smith
Vestry 2023  
Chad Duffield Senior Warden, Admin & Finance
Mike Morgan Junior Warden, Plant & Property
Marghe Bowker Mission & Outreach
Ellen Cleary Evangelism & Publicity, and Fundraising
Diana Courtney Parish Family
Suzanne Synnestvedt Christian Education
Aimee Bramley Treasurer
Susan Clark Register

*The Vestry meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.