Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Brief History of the Ghana Resurrection Methodist Church

Unity is strength.  In unity is love.  In unity, the glory of God is made manifest.  In unity, Christians fulfill the will of God in Christ.  In unity, the ministry of reconciliation brings healing in a fragmented world.

The Ghana Resurrection Methodist Church has indeed responded to Christ’s priestly prayer, and has decided to become one for the glory of God.  This Church is organized from the Holy Trinity Methodist Church, which was formed in 2006 and the All Nations Methodist Church which also came into being in 2007.  Both churches were located in Alexandria, Virginia, in very close proximity from each other.  The duplication of activities, members drawn from the same cultural and religious background, and the absence of any theological difference, made the two churches redundant.  Further, the Reverends John Hammond and Kwasi Kwakye-Nuako reasoned among themselves that as colleagues, keeping each church separate was a disgrace to the Christian Church in general and the Methodist Church in particular.  This realization catapulted a prayerful reflection of the unpleasant situation since both congregations were made up of immigrants from Ghana, who were mostly Methodist before they migrated to the US.  The decision to merge against the trend of schisms commonly associated with immigrant congregations in North America was an attempt to allow God to own the church, and take it away from human interests and self –centeredness.

The reflection led the ministers to a face to face meeting on March 18, 2010, for a way forward in the life of Ghana Methodists Churches in Alexandria, VA.  Without any known impediment, and the yearning to become effective witnesses of the resurrected Christ, the two ministers resolved that by their calling to be healers, they would work together to unite the churches into one congregation.  The pain of division has been devastating; and the moment of healing dawned in the Methodist family.  They went forth and shared the outcome of the meeting with members of both congregations.  The response was overwhelmingly positive and the state was set for preparations to unite.  Unknowing to the ministers most of the member were not happy with the schismatic Churches and had wondered how unity among Ghanaian Methodists could become a reality.  Majority of the members reckoned the information as God’s answer to their prayers.

In order to ensure fairness and equality, committees were set up in equal proportions to discuss the mode of merger, and to also plan for the inauguration. Members on the committee worked diligently and assiduously to make the dream become a reality.  Beginning on Palm Sunday (March 28, 2010), the two congregations held regular joint services, alternating between the two sanctuaries to get to know each other so to blend effectively.  Choristers from both congregations met together to learn new songs to praise the Lord.  Additionally, the Bible Study and Prayer Meetings at Holy Trinity were patronized by members of All Nations.

We are thankful to God for guidance and direction in this holy enterprise.  We are merely human, and trust on God for the years ahead.  As we begin a new chapter in the life of immigrant congregations in North America, we pray that God will use this unity among the All Nations and Holy Trinity Methodist Churches as an example of what is desired of all of God’s children.  We dare say that all of God’s children, especially Ghanaian Methodists say goodbye to divisions and schisms, and embrace each other in Godly fellowship as people who are called to “spread scriptural holiness across the land.”    We have just begun.  Let us yield our wishes, egos, and human desires to God.  We also use this occasion to appeal to Ghanaian Methodists who were appalled by the division to come home to Ghana Resurrection Methodist Church and enjoy the fellowship that they have yearned for far too long.

To all who have toiled relentlessly and sacrificed their time, talents and treasures to bring us thus far, we commend you to God’s gracious care.  May your days of life be filled with the joys of God in Christ.  To those who will join us, you are heartily welcome into the blissful fellowship of God’s children.  Come, and let us build on the foundation Jesus Christ has laid.  Come and share in our zeal!